A Community Radio Station in Sierra Leone

    How can a Radio Broadcasting Station change lives?
  • The radio will be the fastest means of communication by the Authorities to all the Chiefdom’s communities.
  • All the people of the Chiefdom would also be welcomed to share their news, stories, culture, opinions, religion … that is to have a public voice in the democratic process of the Country and to know one another better.
  • In particular the radio will provide an easy forum by which women, youth, students and vulnerable groups can improve themselves.
  • The radio will sensitize and educate the people on social issues like the rampant logging, burning forests, poor roads, conflicts of interests, etc.
  • The radio would also be a great instrument to encourage people, and especially the youth, of the opportunities to serve the Chiefdom and the Nation at large.
  • The radio would be greatly useful to improve people’s basic hygiene and health needs. The issue of Ebola would have been much better tackled if there was a local radio.


How will it be managed and funded?

  • The Paramount Chief will be the custodian of the radio and he will oversee everything.
  • The radio will be operated by the local people of Kasunko chiefdom through a Board of Directors that will comprise representatives from all the ten sections, The Friends of Kasunko.
  • Local people will be trained on how to manage the radio station and it will be run on a voluntary system.
  • There is no government funding for the project.
  • As a community medium, we want the people to express their views freely. We don’t want to rely financially on any government or political support because we don’t want to be controlled by any hegemonic bodies.
  • The community will contribute whatever little they can to show the radio belongs to them, but realistically, this will not be much.
  • The project will rely on Donors and NGO support, especially to get the radio station up and running.
  • We are aware that sustainability is most important area in the whole process and need to design strategies for sustainable ongoing funding.


How can this dream come true?

  • Friends of Kasunko have set themselves a target date to be operational – 1st January, 2016.
  • They have estimated the total cost of establishing the Radio Station to be around US$25,000, including the land, clearing, building, equipment, setting-up and registrations.  Already the project is well underway.
  • Land has been donated and the youth of Kasunko have been clearing the site.
  • Bundles of zinc roofing and 100 bags of cement have been donated for the building.
  • Contributions from the local chiefdoms are being made directly into Kasunko Bank in Fadugu


Community Radio Station in Sierra LeoneCommunity Radio Station in Sierra Leone

Pictured Above:  Friends of Kasunko meet with Chiefs, Community and Youth Leaders to discuss the Dream and launch the project in April 2015:  Paramount Chief, Roman Lamina Baio Serry III (6th left), Secretary, Mr Umaru Kallay (4th left), and Fr Brioni (2nd right). Photographer and Treasurer: Minkailu (Mallam) Bantama.

Follow the progress on Facebook FbFb

Pictured  Below:
Friends of Kasunko travelled by motor bike to Kakarima to meet with members of the Kayaka Section communities who gathered there for an engagement meeting about the project.

Achieving the Dream